Can money buy happiness? It’s one of those age-old questions. I’ve heard it answered many ways, but I think my favorite answer was by Zig Ziglar who said, ‘no but neither can poverty.’ I think the answer is definitely no because most of us know someone who has money and is still unhappy. Certainly, we’ve all read or heard about the tragic and unhappy life of some rich and famous person. The truth is, happiness is a choice we make every day.

What money does buy, however, is freedom, the freedom to do what you want when you want! When you have a steady supply of money (passive income), you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. You no longer have to trade your time for money. Instead, your money is working for you.

When you think about it, the two most precious things in life are the people around us and time. Have you ever thought about how little you have sold your time for at various stages of your life? You wouldn’t sell an ounce of gold for $25, but all of us have probably sold something infinitely more valuable for $25 – an hour of our time. And not only did we sell that hour for $25; that’s an hour we’ll never get back! If from a young age, we had put the proper value on our time, perhaps we would have made some different choices along the way.

My plea to you is to stop trading your time for money! Design the life you want by building multiple streams of passive income, so you can do whatever you want whenever you want. Stop working for money and start making money work for you. And where does it all start? With financial education. If you’re ready to start designing the life you want, check out my resources page. Here I list resources that have changed my life and continue to expand my knowledge and inspire me to this day. Get Prolific!

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