As we wind down 2020, I wanted to do something a bit lighter, not laser-focused on personal finance, investing, and money.  It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while, a book review.  2020 has been a tough and challenging year for just about everybody, so I think this is an appropriate book.  I just wish I had done it sooner.  2021 is going to have its share of challenges, so the book is timeless in that way.  The book is 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class by Steve Siebold.

It’s not what I consider a book that you read cover to cover.  It’s a book that you put on your coffee table and read alongside another book.  You could be reading a fiction novel or a nonfiction book, the kind of books that are page-turns that you read from cover to cover over.  This book is the second book you read, the one you pick up and read one-to-four pages a day, each page containing one of the 177 mental toughness secrets.

Here are a few examples of what you’ll find in this book:

Secret #2 – World-Class Wealth Begins With World-Class Thinking

 If you got out of bed this morning and went to work because you wanted to, you are in control of money.  If you got out of bed this morning because you had to, money is in control of you.

I firmly believe this.  It’s the reason I often say, you know you’ve achieved financial freedom when work is a choice instead of necessity.  Don’t get me wrong; there’s nothing wrong with working.  As humans, we are built for achievement; we all have things we want to accomplish.  Too much of the time; however, most people (including me for decades) worked because they had to, not because they wanted to.  They worked for the money, and I get that, but not having to work for money is certainly something to strive for.

Secret #9 – Champions Embrace Relativity

Ask champions if their vision is big, and they are likely to respond, “Compared to what?”

I can relate to this because as I write my blogs and record videos discussing things I feel are successes and have worked for me, some people will agree that these ARE successes.  Others, however, will ask if THAT’S ALL I accomplished.  It’s all relative.

Secret #13 – The Great Ones Do It All With Class

When they win, they love to share the credit with the team, and when they lose, they assume 100% responsibility.

I remember what I believe was a Zig Ziglar audio program decades ago.  In this program, Zig talked about Vince Lombardi, former football coach of the Green Bay Packers.  When the Packers won, Vince would say how his guys simply outplayed the other team.  When the Packers lost, Vince would say he was outcoached.  Vince did it with class!

The book is 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class by Steve Siebold. 

That’s a wrap up for 2020.  I’ll be back in January of 2021 with another book review.  It is one of the most thought-provoking books I’ve read in a long time.  In it, the author discusses how rapidly changing technology will dramatically affect the future.!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone!!

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