Today’s topic is a video interview with a Seattle real estate investor and friend of mine named Justin Cambra. Justin’s story is very inspiring! He’s a young guy who compresses time frames by using real estate to accelerate his path towards financial independence.

Justin says a lot of interesting things in this interview. Two acronyms he cites are:

  • F I R E – Financial Independence Retire Early
  • F I O R – Financial Independence Optional Retirement

Quotations from Justin:

  • “All great things come from the power of the increment.”
  • When referring to his investment of choice to accelerate his wealth and path towards FIRE or FIOR, Justin says, “Real estate is just the easiest and lowest risk.”

Justin is a living testament to one of my common sayings, “When you make better financial decisions, someday you can make work a choice instead of a necessity.”

Enjoy the interview.

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